Recommended Interesting Articles


Dog separation anxiety

Dog separation anxiety, it happens to hear about it but also to see its effects with our eyes if we have one of these animals or attend families that host them. It is a real behavioral pathology, not a saying, and affects any breed of dog, regardless of age, sex or origin.
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Travel for free while teaching: Bedandlearn is here

Traveling for free, teaching. A barter of knowledge and human and social experiences that is priceless. I consider it a gain, and I would take the liberty of talking about traveling profitably in the case of Bedandlearn. By explaining what it is, I'm sure you will agree with me. Unless you are one of those who "if it does not clink coin in your pocket" are at a loss.
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Caffeine: effects and benefits

Caffeine, to stay up and clear up late or to wake up more effectively in the morning. This is what they say about Caffeine, forgetting all the other beneficial effects that this substance has. It is important to know them, without hiding the fact that they should not be abused and that for some categories, it is definitely to be avoided.
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Responsible and sustainable investment the "new norm in five years"

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing will be “the new norm in less than five years,” says the CEO of one of the world's largest independent financial services and advisory organizations. Nigel Green, CEO, Bold Prediction executive and founder of the deVere Group, which operates in 100 countries, comes as Amazon boss Jeff Bezos commits $ 10 billion to combat climate change.
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Pet Therapy and Pet Therapist

Pet Therapy and Pet Therapist, are not two slogans to attract naive with the English sound and the suffix "pet" that often sounds nice, no. These are two interesting and useful practices, not very widespread compared to the benefits they bring to those who use them and which for this reason it is essential to know. To know them distinguishes them from the many “therapies” that make us pass for miraculous and then turn out to be mirrors.
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Depersonalization: meaning and symptoms

Depersonalization seems like a horror movie or science fiction phenomenon, yet it is reality. It is a disorder that consists of the persistent or recurring feeling of being detached from one's body or mental processes. It manifests itself in this way, and is often associated with the perception of being an external observer of one's life.
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