Nothing new under the sun: transgenic contamination of creole corn continues in Uruguay

Nothing new under the sun: transgenic contamination of creole corn continues in Uruguay

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During 2018 and 2019, 27 samples of corn collected by producers and technicians from the National Network of Native and Creole Seeds of Uruguay were analyzed, detecting the presence of transgenes in 8 of them.s ", states a new technical report called"Presence of transgenes in Creole maize”.

The work was published in January of this year by the National Network of Native and Creole Seeds, REDES - Friends of the Earth Uruguay and Friends of the Earth International. It is noteworthy that since 2013, and with the exception of 2015, transgenes have been found in maize from the Network, which links family producers throughout the country and is dedicated to rescuing creole seeds and revaluing their use. This confirms, once again, the transgenic contamination in Uruguay and the infeasibility of the “regulated coexistence”Of transgenic and non-transgenic.

The report emphasizes that Uruguay's stock of Creole corn is relevant and “base of a genetic and cultural diversity of great value for the country”. The presence of transgenes in creole maize affects their identity and puts their conservation at risk by producers. This, added to processes such as the decrease in the number of family producers and changes in production modalities in Uruguay, undermines the efforts to conserve the diversity of national germplasm.

- To download the full report (PDF), click on the following link:

Source: Redes - AT

Video: Madrileños por el Mundo: Uruguay (December 2024).