
Urbanpromo 2016 in Milan

Urbanpromo 2016 in Milan

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Urbanpromo 2016 it begins in Milan on November 8th and continues until the 11th of the same month, telling how a city, by transforming itself, can become a Smart city. There is now a lot of talk about urban regeneration, social housing, urban marketing, but these issues that fill the mouth and the headlines must be addressed from a perspective of sustainability that Urbanpromo itself proposes. In fact, during the meetings hosted by the Milan Triennale, he will propose to investigate what European programming says on the matter, without fear of trespassing by linking issues such as energy and sustainability to urban planning.

Urbanpromo 2016: country project

Organized byNational Institute of Urban Planning and by Urbit, Urbanpromo is an event not to be missed for the quality of the contents and for the ways of presenting them to those who work in the sector as well as to those who are simply intrigued.

This year the appointment took the name of "Country project”To immediately clarify who should take advantage of all the good practices and advice that will emerge.

The path born from the operational connection with the INU Congress already underway since April, which focuses on the idea of ​​reworking the priorities and also the same tools, both concerning urban planning and the government of the territory.

Urbanpromo young people

If you work for the present and the future of the country, we cannot neglect young people who in Urbanpromo have a front row seat and also a dedicated contest: the Urban Planning Award. This international competition calls university students to plan and design on an urban level around the world and for the whole world.

The contributions selected as part of the call for papers promoted by Inu and Urbit will be told on 11 November during the conference "A new cycle of urban planning between tactics and strategy”.

Urbanpromo towards the future

Among the events proposed in this edition of Urbanpromo we are especially interested in those who look to the near future and network. Such as "Futur-E " which will be presented during the first day by Enel while the following day will be held a meeting organized by the laboratory Which speeds which cities, to talk about how to define an infrastructural masterplan / action plan for metropolitan cities that reconnects to European networks.

In the direction there are also the Ministry of Infrastructure, Fs Sistemi Urbani and Anas. On November 10, always talking about metropolitan cities, that of Naples will be the protagonist of the meeting in which Invitalia will present the redevelopment path of the Bagnoli area in Naples.

Urbanpromo and urban regeneration

Returning to the first day of the event and moving on to another theme, here is the conference "4.0 ″ regeneration which sees Inu, Urbit, Audis, Censu, the National Council of Engineers, Federimmobiliare, Assoimmobiliare and Rics as protagonists of an excellent operational reflection, conducted in synergy. It will be the time to better understand and write down the good practices, methods to be promoted, the obstacles to overcome in the sector.

After the focus on plans and strategies for adaptation to climate change and on energy efficiency in buildings to be held on November 9th, on 10th thanks to a meeting organized by the National Urban Planning Institute, we will get to know the projects of 18 cities that have participated in the suburban tender promoted by the government, with the possibility of comparing them with each other and understanding their exceptional features.

On the same day, Cdp Investimenti Sgr deals with other plans, the urban plan for the redevelopment of the barracks, managed by Investment Fund for the Enhancement of Public Assets. On the final day of Urbanpromo, for the 2016 edition, the meeting dedicated to the first interventions for the restart of commercial and collective services in Amatrice, Accumoli and other centers hit by the earthquake last August should be noted. They are the fruit of Experimental laboratory on urban regeneration established in April last year by Anci and Confcommercio.

Urbanpromo 2016: smart city

We have not forgotten the Smart cities and even Urbanpromo hasn't done it: almost every day in the program there are dedicated appointments, to deepen the theme from every point of view. Insiders, professionals and interested parties will find an opportunity to approach and analyze the concrete applications for the creation of smart cities.

The first day of Urbanpromo you arrive in the historic center of L'Aquila to see the work carried out by A2A, the following day we will talk about the new possible concept that everyone hopes for, the one that takes into account the collective good. On the last day, 11 November, they will be in the center waste and the best ways to manage the cycle.

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